Fall Luncheon is scheduled for November 13, 2024
RSVP form can be found in the 2024 Fall ENCORE newsletter or use the updated RESERVE button under
"News/Events" page after October 17, 2024
Welcome to the BHSRO web page! Look around & check us out.
If you are a BHS retiree or previous employee, we invite you to join us for good food, fun activities
and fellowship.
The BHSRO is a faith based organization that is consistent with the values and character of the Baptist Health System with a purpose to provide a focal point for common, compatible activities of its affiliated companies and opportunities for retirees to fellowship, communicate and continue an informational connection to the current operational activities of the Baptist Health System and enable opportunities to support the community through financial gifts to charitable organizations.
BHSRO is a great way to keep your connection with other BHS retirees
and the Baptist Health System.
The Baptist Health system Retiree Organization had its humble beginning in 1991 when Barbara Hunsley, BHS Meeting and Travel Manager, had a vision of an organization that would allow BHS retirees to continue their relationships and fellowship with other former employees. To acquire support for her vision, she shared her vision with her senior manager, Tom Sanders. After much discussion about the organization structure and objectives, it was agreed that the Baptist Health System would support such an organization. Bill Page, who retired in 1985, was appointed as the President and another retiree, Frank Hinkley as Parliamentarian who was assigned to lead the development of the organization's by-laws. Barbara Hunsley was appointed as the group's BHS liaison. After communicating with as many of BHS retirees possible, the first meeting was held at The Club in November of that year.
That meeting was very special in that it was the beginning of what exist today. The organization's objective have not changed much over the past 33 years. Thanks to the support of the Baptist Health System and determination and hard work of many over the years, the BHSRO is viable and continues to get stronger each year.
Quarterly meetings are held at various locations throughout the Birmingham area. Meeting begin at 11:00 am with time for fellowship. Lunch is served at 11:30 am, followed by a speaker and/or entertainment and business meeting. Meeting date and reservations forms are included in the quarterly newsletter and must be returned with checks payable to BHSRO by date noted on the form. Reservation forms are also available on the BHSRO Facebook page at Facebook.com/BHSRetireeOrganization.
Meeting Attendance
Luncheon attendance is 75-100 each quarter
Meeting Dates
Meeting dates generally fall within the months of February, May, August and November.
ENCORE Newsletter
Each member receives a copy of the 12 page color ENCORE Newsletter approximately one month prior to each quarterly meeting. Members are encouraged to submit story ideas and information regarding their personal interest and activities to be published in the newsletter. Please contact the ENCORE Editor to submit your ideals and articles.
Membership Fees
Annual dues are $25 for active members and $15 for associate members, payable in November for the coming year.
Membership History
2012 active and associate members: 102
2013 active and assoicate members: 112
2014 active and associate members : 120
2015 active and associate members: 109
2016 active and associate members: 109
2017 active and associate members: 105
2018 active and associate members: 101
2019 active and associate members: 86
2020 active and associate members: 91
2021 active and associate members : 90
2022 active and associate members: 88
2023 active and associate members: 84
2024 active and associate members: 60
Membership Enrollment
Active Membership in the BHSRO is open to all Baptist Health System retirees. Spouses and family members as well as retired physicians and their spouses may join as associate members.
Non-retired previous Baptist Health System employees may also join as an associate member.
Annual dues are $25 for active members and $15 for associate members. 2025 Renewal dues are due January 1, 2025.
Membership Form
Select the JOIN icon on the right below to access/PRINT form.
Send a request for membership form to BHSRO0241@GMAIL.COM. Include your: Name, Email Address, and Phone Number.
We will email a membership form and a copy of the latest issue of the ENCORE newsletter
See the News & Events Page for immediate access to latest issues of the ENCORE Newsletter.
Instructions for submitting your form are provided on the form.
Membership form is also available from newsletter link our Facebook Page.
News & Events
Next scheduled BHSRO Luncheon Meeting for the Fall Luncheon 2024 will be
at the Princeton Haynes Building
NOVEMBER 13, 2024
Quarterly Newsletters are published in February, May, August and November.
Click on links below to review previous Newsletters.
Newsletter Archive
Wounded Warrior Project - is a veteran's service organization that offers a varity of programs, services and events for wounded veterans of the military actions following the event of 9/11/2001.
2013 Donation - $200
Salvation Army - is a Christian denominational church and international charitable organization that shares the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.
Donation 2011 - $1000
Donation 2013 - $200
Donation 2014 - $500
Donation 2016 - $500
Donation 2017 - $500
Big Oak Ranch - The Ministry of the Big Oak Ranch grew from a simple desire to give children who have been abused, neglected or abandoned a chance for a normal and happy life.
Donation 2014 - $200
M-POWER Ministries - is a faith-based social services agency in Birmingham, Alabama. M-POWER was established in 1998 to provide opportunities for people to break the cycle of poverty through education and health services.
M-POWER accomplishes its mission through two distinct centers: the M-POWER Education Center – providing adult literacy tutoring, GED programs, and Career-Readiness programs, and the M-POWER Health Center – providing acute care walk-in clinics, primary care clinics, and sub-specialty clinics for patients without access to health care.
Donation 2012 - $1,000
BHS Foundation - Incorporated in 1967 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Baptist Health Foundation was one of the first hospital foundations in the nation.
The Foundation is charged with the responsibility to seek charitable contributions for operational, capital and endowment purposes for Baptist Health System and its four hospitals. Baptist Health Foundation is the official repository for all philanthropic gifts for the Baptist Health System and may receive donations and grants from individuals, corporations, foundations, government agencies or any other entity.
Donation 2014 - $500
Donation 2016 - $500
Donation 2017 - $500
Donation 2019 - $500
Donation 2020 - $500
Donation 2023 - $500
Donation 2024 - $500
Any BHSRO member is welcome to attend any regular scheduled meeting.
Date Location Time
January 15, 2025 Ridge Park Corporate Offices 10:00 am
April 16, 2025 Ridge Park Corporate Offices 10 :00 am
July 16, 2025 Ridge Park Corporate Offices 10:00 am
October 15, 2025 Ridge Park Corporate Offices 10:00 am
Winter 2/19/2025 Princeton Haynes Auditorium 11:00 am
Spring 5/21/2025 Princeton Haynes Auditorium 11:00 am
Summer 8/20/2025 Princeton Haynes Auditorium 11:00 am
Fall 11/19/2025 Princeton Haynes Auditorium 11:00 am
Haynes Building
Haynes Auditorium
BMC Princeton. AL
BHS Corporate Offices
Ridge Park
1130 22nd St S.
Birmigham, AL
The Club
1 Robert Smith Dr.
Birmingham,AL 35209